We are committed to ensuring a safe and happy environment for your child.
Following the incident on 17 September at Southern Cross University – Lismore Campus, we would like to share Headspace’s mental health support resource (PDF 100.52KB) for students, teachers and school staff.
We support your child’s health and safety through a range of strategies including:
- the behaviour code for students, which outlines the standards of behaviour expected in all NSW public schools
- anti-racism education
- anti-bullying programs
- conflict resolution and mediation training
- peer support
- road safety education
- the Healthy School Canteen Strategy.
For more information, visit the student wellbeing section of the department’s website.
Like all NSW public schools, we promote the healthy development of students through:
- school programs and practices that protect and promote health and safety
- supporting individual students who need help with health issues
- providing first aid and temporary care of students who become unwell or who have an accident at school.
Student wellbeing
Like all NSW public schools, we provide safe learning and teaching environments to encourage healthy, happy, successful and productive students.
The department is committed to creating quality learning opportunities for children and young people. These opportunities support wellbeing through positive and respectful relationships and fostering a sense of belonging to the school and community.
The Wellbeing Framework for Schools helps schools support the cognitive, physical, social, emotional and spiritual development of students and allows them to connect, succeed and thrive throughout their education.
School Behaviour Support and Management Plan
Hurlstone Agricultural High School supports students in their learning and engagement with practices and processes informed by our School Behaviour Support and Management Plan. This document was developed through 2023, using feedback from staff, students, parents and the wider school community. This document continues to be developed and reviewed to ensure that all students are able to engage in meaningful learning in environments that are safe and where disruptions are kept to a minimum.
Hurlstone Agricultural High School Behaviour Support and Management Plan
Supporting Student Health
1. Individual Health Care Plans.
Parents supply the school with information to support students across the full breadth of their educational experiences that may include excursions, camps, boarding school and practical lessons. This form should be completed by parents who consult with the school and student and provides the school information that is used in planning teaching and learning activities. The form should be updated and a new plan returned to the school office should any details change. The form can be downloaded here.
2. ASCIA plans for support for medical conditions.
Schools support student health by retaining information that supports the support of emergency response to health conditions. This information is required at enrolment (for the conditions listed below). ASCIA plans provide school staff with the information they need to support students in a health crisis. These should be updated regularly, according to the information provided on the templates. Forms are to be completed by a doctor or nurse practitioner and returned to the school with the appropriate medication needed (as listed on the plan). The templates that are taken to the doctor for completion are available below;
Anaphylaxis Plan * (Please note that students should carry a personal epipen and an additional personal epipen will be stored in the Wellbeing Centre.
Please note - Parents are responsible for replacing out-of-date medication when notified by school staff.
* Students who will carry their own Anapen, Epipen and/or asthma relieving medication should also have the following form submitted to school (along with the ASCIA plan). This form rrequest for students to carry their own medication to and from school.
3. Parent requests for support for a health condition
Some student health conditions may require the administration of prescription medication or other specific support for a medical condition. A request for this support should be made to the school by completing this form and submitting to the office for the approval of the Principal. This is especially important when students attend camps or are part of our residential community. Medication supplied to the school will need to be in the original packaging (or packed in Webster packs), with phramacy labels that specify the child's name and dose rate. New medications need to taken in the home environment for a period of 7 days to ensure there are no adverse reactions.
4. Parent consent for a doctor to provide information about their child.
It is often the case that schools require further information or advice from treating physicians to support the teaching and learning adjustments needed to support students with medical conditions. This form can be used to link the school with the treating medical team to assist in planning any adjustments and accommodations to support student learning needs.
Use this form if your child is engaging with external providers and agencies. A signed form will give the school permission to release and obtain information about your child.