29 Nov 2024

Please click here for the latest Project Update from School Infrastructure NSW (SINSW) which provides information about:
- completion of the two new student accommodation buildings with a visual snapshot of the new facilities
- next steps for the Farm Hub and Block A refurbishment
- the new sports field planned for HAHS in 2025.
School Infrastructure NSW: Hurlstone Agricultural High School project
To view the SINSW project webpage for Hurlstone, visit:
If you have questions, comments or feedback about the school upgrade project, please direct these to SINSW using the details below:
Email: schoolinfrastructure@det.nsw.edu.au
Phone: 1300 482 651
Landcom - Glenfield development
To view the Glenfield project webpage, visit:
For any enquiries relating to the Glenfield project, please contact Landcom using the details below:
Email: glenfield@landcom.nsw.gov.au
Phone: 1800 298 609